This is a very common question. Should I get insurace. Wheter you get your phone via a payment plan or an upgrade you pay for the phone in the end.
Latest iPhone/Samsungs: [generally $199 deductible and ~$10 monthly payment]
If you are getting the latest iPhone or Samsung I generally recommend that you get insurance for at least 6-12 months if you only worry about breaking the screen. If you have checked the prices for the new iPhone 6 and Note and S line from Samsung you will see that LCD replacements can go as high as $350. The general rule is that within a year the LCD replacement should fall to $150 which would be cheaper than the $199 deductible. However, if you are worried that you might loose it or drop it in the toilet than maintaining insurance throughout the life of the phone would be your best option.
Later model iPhone: [generally $169 deductible and ~$10 monthly payment]
Because it is an iPhone insuranec companies put a high price on the deductible and monthly payment even it is 1-2 years old. If you are worried that you will break the screen, the cost to fix the phone will be less than than the deductible. If you factor in the monthly payment than you end up paying out more in the end. However, if you are worried that you might loose it or drop it in the toilet than maintaining insurance throughout the life of the phone would be your best option.
Later model smartphones [S4 e.g.] or basic smarphones: [generally $99 deductible $6.99 monthly payment
Later model martphones such as the S4, G2 e.g. [non-Apple] and entry level smartphones maintaining insurance can tricky. Entry level smartphones parts are available but not as common. Their cost can very widely. On high end smartphone that are 1-2 years older I would recommend getting the insurance. The price to replace the screen on an S4 outweights the deductible. Additionally, if you are worried that you might loose it or drop it in the toilet than maintaining insurance throughout the life of the phone would be your best option.
Basic Phones: [generally $69 deductible and $4.99 monthly payment]
Normally you are looking at spending between 75-250 to purchage a basic phone straight up. For this reason I don't recommend that you maintain insurance. I personally do not see the benefit behind it.